Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Entering the Jungle

I feel compelled to write an introduction on why I am starting this blog.

No, before you hastily conclude that I plan to use this blog to generate an alternative income stream, you have mistaken. For one, I've never thought of myself as someone who could make a living out of words; There are many great writers out there and I have long figured that it's best to let the better writers among us do the job of serenading us with their entertaining literary pieces.

So why? Well, I just want to share my life experiences. I have been through a lot, and I meant a lot. You may think -- oh c'mon, you have a computer to type on now so life can't be that bad! But hey, sometimes it's never about the type of cards you are dealt with but rather the sequence in which you receive them. And I'd be brutally honest to share that I have received - over the past few consecutive years - cards that busted my ego, killed my passion and made me fear that my future was gone before it had even arrived. Those were experiences I wish no one would have to go through, but I am aware that there are many people out there looking for answers to similar situations even as I am typing out this blog. My goal is thus to provide you with some great tips and hopefully, answers, to some of those challenges you are currently facing.

My topics will cut across various issues but they are unlikely to deviate from those that are close to your heart. Yes, that's right - your heart. I know how you are feeling and what you are thinking. This is precisely why I have this blog.

You probably know this -- the urban jungle is treacherous and we do need that extra boost to trek through it at some point in our lives. Own up to it, read on and I hope you will feel inspired to reclaim your rights to a happy life.

Let's get going.

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